It Doesn’t Matter if you Unfollow that Person

By: Matty Mooney

I’m not sure if it’s my fried dopamine receptors talking, but I love to scroll. Instagram, in particular. I could spend hours looking through my followers, and I do! Just don’t look at my screen time. However, as my senior class dwindles out of high school for the final time, there is nothing I cannot wait to do more than to Social Media Purge. Throughout my years growing up on the ever so changing and conscious internet (thanks ChatGPT), I’ve gained a somewhat new outlook on the content I consume. I decided that once I walk out of the school doors forever and into college, I will leave my not-close IRL Instagram followers and Snapchat friends behind. Because in all honesty, was I really going to stay in touch with them in the first place? I like to do a clean sweep every couple of months of people I no longer talk to in person, or am friends with. I don’t understand the importance of keeping someone who you don’t converse with in real life outside of your phone, on your phone.

Unless you’re an Uber famous internet celebrity, I really don’t care if I lose followers and I’ll remove them myself! I want to keep real connections and friends with me of course, as social media and phone numbers are an awesome tool to see what your friends will be up to in the future. If you are just starting your digital distance journey, I have some personal tips that may help you gain confidence!

The Block Button is your Bestie:

There’s been a narrative among using the block button, that it’s a bad thing or that you’ll seem to mean. Throw that out the metaphysical window! The block button is your friend! Use it to get rid of people who no longer suit you. Distance yourself from negative interactions or people, or even a creepy random guy who just doesn’t understand internet etiquette. It will give you peace of mind, and the best part, the person or people you block will never know!

Use the Unfollow Button as a guide

I plan to unfollow anyone who I don’t have a personal connection with (not including accounts dedicated to not people, inspirations, artists, or motivators) as those people don’t serve me or my life anymore. However, it is your phone and your accounts! Unfollow, follow, and save who you want and who you like. The people who take it personally are now upset just because they are down one less follower. Follow your instincts and ask yourself: Do I know this person? How will we stay in touch? What’s a good memory with them? These are just some questions I go by to stay on track.

The Content you Post can be Personal

Whatever I post I like for it to only be seen by my close friends. I like to tie any hobbies, passions, or commitments into my content, because it helps distance myself from the infatuation with Social Media one can have. For me, I enjoy posting whatever I want and trying not to take it seriously. It’s my account and page, therefore I can do what I want with it. Remember: you have control over what you post. I love to post myself (duh) my music tastes, my friends and family, and my interests! I don’t look at likes, I hide them to stop that temptation. It helps so much with the harsher mentality I can have, comparison of one’s self takes away the fun of posting!

These are small but helpful tips I have used to stay in touch with my Social Media experiences. Everyone’s journey through life can be broadcasted or not, and you have the power for it to be chosen! I promise that unfollowing or following, liking or liking, commenting or not commenting, is NOT the end of the world. Take care of yourself and your wellness. I wish you well on your unfollowing journey!


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